2-12 years
Children 1
Children 2
Children 3
Children 4
0-23 months
2-12 years
Children 1
Children 2
Children 3
Children 4
0-23 months
2-12 years
Children 1
Children 2
Children 3
Children 4
0-23 months
2-12 years
Children 1
Children 2
Children 3
Children 4
0-23 months
OVER 60's

Offers for hotels in Benidorm, Calpe, Gandia, Peñiscola y Vinaros for over 60's

Hotels with offers for over 60's with wine & water included

Great Discounts at RH Hotels
With free wine & water 

Don't wait any longer and book your holidays to benefit from all our offers.

Choose between our hotels of 3 or 4 stars, all of them in a central location ... and at a very affordable price!

If you are over 60, you will get free wine & water at meals (subject to availability). In addition, if you have an RH Client Code, you will get a 4% discount on your reservation and 10% on drinks at the Bar/Café

*** In the Gastrohotel RH Canfali, over 60 offer is not available.

Additional discounts on this tariff are NOT accumulable with the RH Client member discount.

* Offer subject to available dates for your application


Peñíscola experience by bike
Hotel RH Don Carlos - RH Boutique Portocristo - RH Casablanca Suites -  Included: Stay in a chosen regime in a chosen room · Retro Ride Bike to enjoy Peñiscola for a full day during your stay so t...